Afternoon all, what a lovely day!
This week in craftclub it was mainly dominated by Tilly and her book/patterns.
Amy's gone for the 'from start to finish approach' and completed project nĂºmero uno. Twice in fact. With the first Brigitte scarf being a tad of an odd shape. But, as mistakes go, it means she and Molly now have matching head wear. Super cute! And she does a pretty fine Tilly impersonation too, don't you think?
Beth came too. And started on some splendid flo-jo pants. We all agreed, she should make a pair for every day of the week, and we can all look forward to seeing them in all their glory soon I hope - Future blog post, yes?
I started a crochet cardigan, but there's not much to show for it at the moment. But I have been a busy bee sewing the Lilou I said, Tilly's pretty popular round these parts. I still have to hand sew the lining, but here she is so far.
I'm particularly proud of the lace hemming. It was a last minute design idea which ultimately makes the dress in my opinion. It's not exceptionally flattering on me, as all the bulk in the skirt sits right on my belly and hips, so I'm not entirely sure it will be worn repeatedly, but it's a lovely pattern to make.
Stevie joined us, after jamming nice and loud on his new toy guitar.
And last but far from least, here's a kitten poking out of the top of a cup of tea.....
Happy crafting people. Enjoy the sunshine. X